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Organizational Structure and Roles

The organizational structure and interactions between the participants in the Conservation Credit System are depicted above.

Credit System Currency and Functional Acre Approach

Credits are the currency of the Credit System. A credit consists of verified habitat value that is made durable for the defined duration of the project through financial assurances and contract requirements to maintain habitat performance standards. Credits are primarily awarded for meeting habitat performances standards, not for implementing conservation practices.

Credits are used to offset debits, which represent units of Greater Sage-Grouse habitat value lost by anthropogenic disturbances. The credit obligation is the quantity of credits required to offset a debit project.

The Credit System measures habitat value in units of functional acres. Function refers to the role of the habitat in providing life history requirements for Greater Sage-Grouse, and includes the direct and indirect effects of anthropogenic disturbances. Function is expressed as a percent function in relation to fully-functioning habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse. Functional acres are the product of percent function and acres within the relevant area assessed as illustrated below.

For additional information on Nevada's Conservation Credit System, visit the FAQs or review the Nevada CCS Manual on the Program Documents page for further details about the Credit System including program policies and management and how to generate and acquire credits.