Bi-state Overview

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has determined that the Bi-state Sage-grouse is a distinct population segment of Greater Sage-grouse. Similarly, as the USFWS considers the Bi-state population for listing under the Endangered Species Act, their decision is distinct from the deliberations and eventual decision regarding the Greater Sage-grouse.

Furthermore, the USFWS will make its decision for the Bi-state population by September 30, 2013.

In an effort to proactively implement conservation measures before the USFWS makes its decision on the Bi-state, the Nevada Department of Wildlife – in partnership with local working groups, industries, California Fish and Game, the Nevada and California BLM, US Forest Service, National Resource Conservation Service, and the USFWS – has been working aggressively to address the management and data issues for the Bi-state.

To date, the Bi-state Executive Oversight Committee (EOC) has directed and facilitated implementation of the effort, meeting approximately every two weeks since the summer of 2011. As a result, the Bi-state Local Working Group was re-vitalized along with the Bi-state Technical Committee that wrote the original 2004 Conservation Plan.

Bi-State Action Plan

The Bi-State Action Plan was developed in 2011 and completed in 2012 by the Bi-State Technical Team. This is a comprehensive document that includes a suite of recommendations that address important risk factors and also includes an extensive list of completed projects as well as proposed projects for the future.

Since the completion of the plan, the Technical Team is working on prioritizing recommended actions and projects to deliver to the Bi-State Executive Oversight Committee for their consideration in terms of funding and staff support for future fiscal years.

In addition, the Bi-state teams are completing lek counts, location of lek routes and the Bi-State Coordinated Aerial Lek Surveillance effort implemented jointly by the California Department of Fish and Game and the Nevada Department of Wildlife. Additional information and a summary report will be available in mid-2012.

Additional Resources

For more in-depth information about the Bi-state population and past, present and future actions related to the Bi-state, visit: